Zodiak Active S.r.l. Apps

Flirt Maps 3.0.2
Well done, you've just found FlirtMaps, thefirst mobile dating app that makes it easy to break the ice withnearby singles in realtime. Whether you're at home or traveling theworld, you can navigate the easy-to-use map to try your bestopening line with other available members in your area.It's a snap to meet new people on FlirtMaps with messages andgeo-chat -- or wow them with an original gift. With over 500,000singles all over the world and 5,000 new members daily, there'salways someone new to meet. You'll be surprised at how simple it isto add spice to your social life on FlirtMaps.Download this free app and use your Facebook account to registerwith 1 click. Not on Facebook? No problem, just use your emailaddress to sign up.The app will ask permission to use your location and if youagree, you will immediately see all the available singles in yourarea, right on the map!WHAT YOU CAN DO WITH FLIRTMAPS:* Flirt safely and securely with the hottest nearby singles inrealtime* See approximately how close you are to your flirtingpartners* Travel the world on the map and find attractive singles among500,000 members with 5,000 new members joining every day* Get push notifications when you receive a message, kiss orvirtual gift or put someone on your radar.* Earn or buy FlirtCoins to FlirtBomb a single message to 50-500people in 1-click or to become a FlirtStar and rise to the top ofsearch results.* Browse the photo galleries* Break the ice with your creative messages, virtual gifts andkissesFlirtMaps is available for the iPhone and iPad, with acustomized large screen version, on Facebook or on the web:http://www.flirtmaps.com.YOUR SAFETY IS ASSURED:FlirtMaps is a community of adults, you need to be 18 or older inorder to join FlirtMaps.In order to protect the privacy of our members, as well as thequality of the FlirtMaps experience, all photos on FlirtMaps arereviewed before being published. If you upload a photo and don'tsee it appear immediately, that's why. Be patient and it will beonline within a few hours at most. If it is judged to beinappropriate, we'll send you a message to inform you.The use of FlirtMaps on your mobile device, after you grantauthorization, means that your profile icon will appear on our mapsin the approximate position of your mobile registration, with anaccuracy of 1.2 mile (2 kilometers), so your exact position isnever revealed.We love to hear from you - about the good, the bad and the funnythings that happen to you: info@flirtmaps.comHOW TO USE FLIRTMAPS:The casual use of FlirtMaps is completely free, but we have somepretty great features for purchasers of the FlirtPass subscription.Other features are activated by spending FlirtCoins through in apppurchases. Note that real time notifications and unlimitedmessaging are available free for women seeking men and forpurchasers of the FlirtPass subscription.The FlirtPass subscriptions are:* 1 week € 2.99* 1 month € 7.99* 6 months € 23.99The Privacy Statement is here: http://www.flirtmaps.com/usage/privacypolicywhile the conditions of Service are to: http://www.flirtmaps.com/usage/termsandconditionsAny free feature available in the service, when purchasing asubscription, will be includedHappy flirting!FlirtMaps Staff
Friends 1.0
FRIENDS è Il modo più veloce e divertenteperconoscere nuova gente!Friends è un servizio di Dating e Social Networkingmulticanale(Smartphone; SMS/MMS; Wap e Web) in cui puoi interagirecon gliutenti della community inviando messaggi di chat,effettuarericerche per conoscere persone compatibili con il tuoprofilo,uploadare contenuti (foto e video), creare il tuo blog einteragireall’interno di stanze di chat.Con FRIENDS potrai:registrarti profilandoti in maniera semplice e velocecreare e personalizzare la tua Personal Page aggiornandostatusupdate, uploadando i contenuti della tua fotogalleryevideogallerycreare gratuitamente il tuo blog e commentare tutti i blogdellealtre persone della communityfare ricerche illimitate per conoscere altre personedellacommunitycreare la tua lista amiciaccedere alle stanze di chat pubbliche o prendere parte aglieventilive della communityCon Friends potrai interagire in tempo reale conmessaggiistantanei 1:1 e di chat pubblica con tutti gli utentionline.Inoltre, potrai interagire con messaggi di chat asincrona1:1testuali e multimediali con tutti gli utenti registrati .Imessaggi asincroni verranno consegnati e conservati nella inboxdeldestinatario sul canale dove è online, con contestualenotificaanche via SMS ed MMS .Infine, se il tuo telefono è configurato per invio di MMS,puoiuploadare foto e video inviando il contenuto tramite MMS;chattarevia MMS con gli altri giocatori e ricevere via MMS lapresentazionedi profili affiniPer accedere a tutte le funzionalità di Friendsoccorreiscriversi al servizio in abbonamento.FRIENDS is the fastestandmost fun way to meet new people!Friends is a service Dating and Social Networkingmultichannel(Smartphone, SMS / MMS, Wap and Web) where you caninteract withusers of the community by sending instant messages,search to findcompatible people with a profile, upload content(pictures andvideo), blogging and interacting in chat rooms.FRIENDS with you:register profilandoti in a simple and fastcreate and customize your Personal Page updating statusupdates,uploading the contents of your gallery and videogallerycreate your free blog and comment on all the blogs of otherpeoplein the communitydo unlimited searches to find other people in the communitycreate your Buddy Listaccess to public chat rooms or take part in liveeventsCommunityWith Friends can interact in real time with instant messaging1:1and public chat with other users online. In addition, youcaninteract with chat messages asynchronously 1:1 textualandmultimedia with all registered users. The asynchronous messagesaredelivered and stored in the inbox of the recipient on thechannelwhere it is online, with simultaneous notification via SMSandMMS.Finally, if your phone is configured for sending MMS, youcanupload photos and videos by sending content via MMS, MMS chatwithother players and receive MMS via the submission ofrelatedprofilesTo access all the features of Friends to enroll inthesubscription service.